How to read CSV with headers?

1 minute read

Ruby provides a way to read a CSV file. We can specify options to let Ruby know if the file has headers or not.

How to read a CSV file with headers

name age
Alice 30
Bob 25

Passing headers: true option will treat the first row as headers. We can now access the values using the header names.

require 'csv'
CSV.foreach("path/to/file.csv", headers: true) do |row|
  p row
  p row['name']
  p row['age']
# => #<CSV::Row "name":"Alice" "age":"30">
# => "Alice"
# => "30"

# => #<CSV::Row "name":"Bob" "age":"25">
# => "Bob"
# => "25"

We can also use various header_converters to convert the headers to a different format.

Convert headers to downcase

Passing downcase to header_converters will convert the headers to lowercase.

Name Age
Alice 30
Bob 25
require 'csv'
CSV.foreach("path/to/file.csv", headers: true, header_converters: :downcase) do |row|
  p row
  p row['name']
  p row['age']
# => #<CSV::Row "name":"Alice" "age":"30">
# => "Alice"
# => "30"
# ...

Convert headers to symbol

Passing symbol to header_converters will convert the headers to symbols.

First Name Age
Alice 30
Bob 25

Note: This tokenizes the header names and converts them to symbols. "First Name" becomes :first_name.

require 'csv'
CSV.foreach("path/to/file.csv", headers: true, header_converters: :symbol) do |row|
  p row
  p row[:first_name]
  p row[:age]
# => #<CSV::Row first_name:"Alice" age:"30">
# => "Alice"
# => "30"
# ...



