How to execute raw SQL in rails?
This article explains how to write and execute raw SQL in rails.
This article explains how to write and execute raw SQL in rails.
This article explains how to drop a table in rails - the recommended way.
This article explains how to add devcontainer in rails.
This article explains how to install ActiveStorage in a Rails application and how to use it to upload files.
This article explains how to change the database adapter of a Rails application with a single command.
This article explains how to pass multiple arguments to the rake tasks.
This article explains efficient way to check if an index already exists on a table in rails.
This article explains how to check if a table already exists in a table in rails.
This article explains how to check if a column already exists in a table in rails.
This article explains how to list all the rake tasks in an application, documented as well as undocuented.
This article explains how to add an index in rails.
This article explains how to rollback N numbers of migration in rails.
This article explains how to effectively validate enums in your Ruby on Rails application.
This article explains how to change a column null in rails.
This article explains how to reset the database for a rails application.
This article explains how to edit environment-specific rails credentials.
This article explains how to rename or transform keys in a hash.
This article explains how to use Bun with Rails 7.1.
This article explains how to check TODO’s and FIXME’s in a rails application.
This article explains how to run migrations on a different environment in rails.
This article explains how to run a specific migration in rails.
This article explains how to rollback a specific migration in rails.
This article explains how to change a column default in rails.
This article explains the difference between nil?, empty?, and blank? in ruby.
This article explains how to rename a column in rails.
This article explains how to remove a column in rails.
This article explains how to create a table in rails including fields, references, polymorphic associations, index, and uniq index.